Appily Data Attribution
At Appily, we are committed to giving our users access to the latest and most extensive set of college information on the web. Every day, our own in-house content team is hard at work gathering, creating and validating college and scholarship information. Colleges and universities around the world work directly with us to ensure we have the most current and accurate data - giving students, parents, and counselors the inside track to the admissions process.
Certain college and university data displayed on the Appily website is licensed from third parties and used with permission of those third parties: Some College and University Directory Data is copyrighted material which is reproduced in this publication by permission of Wintergreen Orchard House, a division of Carnegie Dartlet. Copyright © 2018 by Wintergreen Orchard House. Other College and University Directory Data is copyrighted material reproduced by permission of Peterson’s. Copyright © 2017 by Peterson’s. Geocoding Data provided by GeoNames and licensed under CC by 4.0, including all warranty disclaimers.